Revive Fitness head coach

My name is Riva and I am the head coach at Revive Fitness meaning, you will be coached directly by me. My love for health and fitness started when I was young, I swam competitively for many years and have played field hockey competitively for 7 years. I started going to the gym seriously 4 years ago after wanting to focus my energy on something that would help me improve both my physical and mental health whilst focusing on something positive. I’ve now been fortunate enough to turn my passion into a thriving profession that enables me to help people completely transform themselves in an enjoyable and maintainable way.

I believe improving your health and fitness should never be seen as a chore and becoming the best version of yourself should be a process that you enjoy, I am here to guide you on your journey and to help you make changes to your lifestyle that you can sustain whilst still enjoying life.

I have helped hundreds of women worldwide to feel the happiest, healthiest and most confident they ever have. If you are looking for a coach who will get you unsustainable results, restrict you from food and only focus on the number on the scale then I am not the right coach for you, but if you are looking to change your lifestyle for the better, make long term results that you can sustain whilst enjoying life and to improve your overall physical and mental health so that you feel the best you ever have, then I am the coach for you. I will not be the coach who sets you 6-7 workouts a week and tells you to eat chicken and rice everyday, instead I will help you to form new habits, nail a routine you can stick to and understand how to stick to a plan consistently as this is what will get you long term results.

You will also have direct contact to a qualified nutritionist who works closely alongside me, you can contact her anytime for further guidance on your nutrition or for any questions you may have.

Click below to enquire to find out more about the services we offer and how we can help you to reach your goals.